Monday, November 17, 2014

Some Pre-trip Preparations and a Lunch Date

Location: Heart of Haynesville RV Park
(click pictures to enlarge)

One of the reasons I came here for was to vote in last weeks election. I'm very satisfied with the way the election turned out both locally and nationwide. I feel like it was a crucial day for our country, time will tell. Another reason was to visit with my family doctor. He is a good doctor that keeps up to date on all of the latest medical things. He has doctored all of my family while the kids were growing up. He is the type that will visit with you and is never in a rush. I started seeing him about 6 or 7 years ago. I rarely get sick and except for a time when we thought I broke my arm, I never had an appointment with him for myself. But he and I knew each other because when my kids were growing up and any of them went to the doctor or hospital, we usually all went. There were times when one of the kids would be in the hospital bed and the rest of us would be sleeping in the chair, on the couch or on a pallet. It was just something we did so nobody would be alone. 

There are some other things I still need to do before heading west but the main thing is Thanksgiving dinner with the family.

The following are some pictures from a lunch date I had with my two girls:
This is where Olivia threatened me with her fist if I didn't give her some chips and dip.

This is after she had her lunch of baby food. I wonder if she will associate the taste of that baby food with the smell of the mexican restaurant?

Mom, he wants to take more pictures!

Like Mommy, like daugther

Mommy, that crazy old man is still taking pictures of me.

Ya'll take care of each other. Cya down the road.